
Logging hold the same importance as bug reporting in any app development process. It helps developers identify and debug issues as well as track user activity likewise we use bug reporting tool to track the bug effectively. However, several common logging mistakes can lead to serious security issues or performance degradation. This article will go over 15 app logging mistakes to avoid to keep your applications secure and performant.

1. Overlogging

Overlogging can result in an excessive amount of data being stored, which can cause your application to slow down and cause performance issues. It’s important to be mindful about what you are logging as too much information can make debugging difficult and may even expose sensitive user data if not done properly. To avoid this problem, use log levels to log only necessary messages, or use a tool like Splunk for advanced filtering capabilities.

2. Underlogging

Underlogging is one of the most common logging mistakes made by app developers. This occurs when a developer fails to log enough information about their application, which can lead to issues later on if they need to debug or troubleshoot an issue.

Underlogging can also cause performance and scalability issues by making it difficult for developers to identify bottlenecks in their code. To avoid making this mistake, developers should log all relevant data points so that they have enough information for debugging and troubleshooting.

3. Ignoring Log Levels

Logging can be a powerful tool for debugging and troubleshooting, but if you don’t pay attention to the level at which your logs are set, they won’t be very useful. It’s critical to ensure that your logs are properly configured so that you can capture all of the necessary information without becoming overwhelmed with details. Setting up different loggers for different types of events will also help keep things organised and easy to read if something goes wrong.

4. Inconsistent Log Formats

Using inconsistent log formats across different parts of their application is one of the most common mistakes made by developers. Because logs are not easily comparable or searchable, this can make debugging more difficult and time-consuming. Use a single format for all log messages and stick to it no matter what part of the code you’re working on to ensure consistency across your entire codebase. This will save you time in the long run and help your development process run smoothly

5. Hardcoding Log Messages

One of the most common errors in app logging is hardcoding log messages. This means you’re writing a specific message into your code rather than relying on variables or parameters for more dynamic messaging. Hardcoded messages can be difficult to debug because they don’t provide any context for why the error occurred in the first place.

Furthermore, if you need to update these messages later, you will have to manually go through each line of code and make changes where necessary – which could take a long time!

6. Not Logging Contextual Information

Contextual information includes details such as user input, device type and operating system version, timezone or geographical location, etc. Without this data, it can be difficult for developers to identify where an issue originated from and how best to fix it.

Additionally, by having more detailed logs you can better monitor your application performance over time which allows you to make informed decisions on future development plans.

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7. Logging Sensitive Information

One of the biggest mistakes to avoid when logging app data is including sensitive information. This includes passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information that could be used for malicious purposes if it falls into the wrong hands.

Logging this type of data can put your users at risk and should always be avoided. It’s important to ensure that all logs are secure and encrypted so they cannot be accessed by unauthorized individuals or entities. Additionally, you should regularly review your log files to make sure no sensitive data has been stored in them inadvertently.

8. Logging in Production Mode

Logging in production mode can lead to a lot of unnecessary data being stored and it can also cause performance issues if too much information is logged. Developers need to be aware of this issue and take steps to ensure they are not logging too much or irrelevant data when their apps go into production mode.

This will help them avoid any potential problems down the line, as well as ensure their applications run smoothly and efficiently.

9. Not Rotating Logs

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to app logging is not rotating logs. Logs can quickly become large and unmanageable, so it’s important to set up a system that rotates them regularly. This will help keep your log files organized and make sure you don’t miss any important information.

It also helps with performance as old logs are removed from memory and disk space is freed up for new data. Not rotating logs can lead to an increase in storage costs over time, so it’s best practice to ensure this process is automated correctly.

10. Lack of Log Retention Policy

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to app logging is a lack of a log retention policy. Without this, logs can be deleted or overwritten which could lead to data loss and potential security risks.

Businesses need to have a clear log retention policy in place so that they know how long their logs should be kept and what type of information needs to be logged. This will ensure that any issues with an application are quickly identified and resolved before they become major problems.

11. Not Monitoring Logs

Logs are a great way for developers and administrators to keep track of what’s going on with their applications, but if they’re not monitored regularly, then any issues that arise can go unnoticed until it’s too late.

It’s important to set up automated alerts so that you know right away when something isn’t working as expected or there is an issue with your application performance. Monitoring logs also help identify potential security risks before they become major problems.

12. Ignoring Log Security

Logs are a valuable source of information for attackers, and if they can access them, they can gain insights into how an application works or even use logs as part of their attack strategy. App developers should ensure that all logs are encrypted and stored securely to protect sensitive data from malicious actors.

Additionally, regular monitoring and analysis of log files should be conducted to detect any suspicious activity quickly before it becomes a major issue.

13. Ignoring Performance Impact

Logging can be a great way to debug and troubleshoot issues, but if it’s not done correctly, it can have a huge negative effect on your application’s performance. It’s important to ensure that you are only logging what is necessary for debugging purposes and that all log messages are concise and easy to read.

Additionally, consider using more efficient methods such as structured logs or asynchronous logging so that your system isn’t bogged down by too many log entries at once.

14. Logging in Loops

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to app logging is getting stuck in a loop. This happens when an application logs too much information, which can lead to data overload and slow down the system. To avoid this issue, developers should make sure that they are only logging relevant information and not repeating log entries unnecessarily.

Additionally, they should also ensure that their applications have appropriate timeouts set so that if something goes wrong or there is an unexpected error, the process will be stopped before it causes any further issues.

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15. Failing to Test Logs

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to app logging is failing to test logs. This means that developers fail to check if their log messages are being properly recorded and stored securely.

Without testing, there can be issues with data integrity or security which could lead to problems down the line. Developers need to ensure they have tested their logs before releasing an application so as not to run into any potential issues later on.


In conclusion, app logging mistakes can be costly and time-consuming. It is important to understand the basics of log management so that you can avoid making common errors when setting up your application logs.

This includes ensuring that all necessary information is logged, understanding how to properly configure your logging system, and knowing what types of data should not be logged to maintain privacy or security. By taking these steps, businesses will have a better chance of avoiding costly mistakes related to their application logs.